AHK Aktuell
AHK Aktuell 2025
AHK Aktuell 2023
- 16. Singapore Upgrades FTA Network – New Agreements with MERCOSUR and China
- 15. The EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Enters Transitional Phase – Overview, Regional Relevance and Reactions
- 14. The Philippines and the EU explore the relaunch of negotiations of a bi-lateral FTA
- 13. The United Kingdom has formally signed its accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
- 12. German Companies in India: Barriers and Opportunities of Future Trade Relations
- 11. The European Union and New Zealand signed their Free Trade Agreement
- 10. Brunei ratifies the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
- 9. The third round of negotiations of IPEF were held in Singapore
- 8. United Kingdom’s Free Trade Agreements with New Zealand and Australia will come into force at the end of May 2023
- 7. China and Singapore negotiated to upgrade their FTA
- 6. UK agrees to join CPTPP
- 5. Timor-Leste’s ASEAN membership
- 4. The Philippines ratify RCEP
- 3. EU and Singapore sign digital partnership
- 2. Thailand and the EU to resume talks about a possible free trade agreement
- 1. Indonesia to chair ASEAN in 2023
AHK Aktuell 2022
- 12. Kanada stellt indopazifische Strategie vor
- 11. Handelspolitische Entwicklungen auf dem G20 Gipfel
- 10. Europäische Pharmaunternehmen erhalten gleichberechtigten Zugang zum vietnamesischen Markt
- 9. Indonesien
- 8. Chile ratifiziert CPTPP
- 7. Malaysia ratifiziert die CPTPP
- 6. Standardsetzung für den digitalen Handel im Asien-Pazifik Raum
- 5. The German supply chain law and its impact on sourcing and manufacturing in APAC
- 4. Das RCEP tritt in Kraft für Malaysia
- 3. Singapur-Haushalt 2022
- 2. Das RCEP tritt für Südkorea in Kraft
- 1. RCEP ist in Kraft getreten